New University Of San Diego Study Investigates ‘Racist Geologic Formations of Subjecthood’
An absurd new study at the University of San Diego claims geology can heal historic racism.
According to Campus Reform, “University of San Diego professors Diane Marie Keeling and Bethany O’Shea published a study titled “Conceptualizing Black Humanity Through Geopoetic Intimacy and Resistance: Memory Making-with Geologic Materials” on Jan. 27.”
Two San Diego professors, Diane Marie Keeling and O’Shea, explained their research, which examined racism, one of the major obsessions of today’s professors.
Race, Race, and more race seems to be academia’s obsession.
In addition, it never seems to be about ending all racism and hate but rather only one type of racism.
It claims people can use rocks to heal from a history of racism.
According to Campus Reform, these professors traveled to Birmingham, Alabama, to view soil and study geology used in the memorialization of lynching victims, something which occurred a long time ago.
In addition to this research, Keeling teaches several communications classes at USD, including “Gender Communication” and “Critical Whiteness and Communication Practices.”
One can surmise that the purpose of this study was to emphasize anti-Black racism yet again.
It would be interesting to see if there are any university studies on bringing all races together rather than simply dividing them.
In addition, this occurred long ago, and allege that this is still occurring when, in fact, anti-Black racism in this country is primarily an occurrence of the past
In addition, the idea that soil can improve race relations seems very hard to believe. Perhaps next time, they can examine the role of fellow Africans and Muslims in historic slavery.
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