People Outraged After California Democrat Introduces Bill that Criminalizes Self-Defense – AB 1333 Limits Homeowner’s Right to Defend Self, Family and Home From Intruder

California is currently a ‘stand your ground’ state, however, a Democrat Assemblyman just introduced a bill that would criminalize self-defense.
California Assemblyman and Democrat Caucus Chair Rich Chavez Zbur introduced AB 1333 which seeks to limit a homeowner’s right to defend their family and home from an intruder.
This Democrat lunatic wants to limit a homeowner’s right to defend themselves from a dangerous intruder.
More than anything else, this is an attack on the Second Amendment.
“This bill would eliminate certain circumstances under which homicide is justifiable, including, among others, in defense of a habitation or property. The bill would additionally clarify circumstances in which homicide is not justifiable, including, among others, when a person uses more force than necessary to defend against a danger,” according to California Legislative Information.
“By expanding the scope of the crime of homicide, this bill would create a state-mandated local program,” the state said.
Rick Zbur tried to defend himself after people were outraged by his proposal.
Zbur defamed Kyle Rittenhouse as he tried to bat down critics.
“AB 1333 was never intended to limit a crime victim’s right to defend yourself, your family, or home. The goal is to prevent wannabe vigilantes like Kyle Rittenhouse from provoking violence & claiming self defense after the fact. We will amend the bill to make this crystal clear,” Zbur said.
AB 1333 was never intended to limit a crime victim’s right to defend yourself, your family, or home. The goal is to prevent wannabe vigilantes like Kyle Rittenhouse from provoking violence & claiming self defense after the fact. We will amend the bill to make this crystal clear.
— Assemblymember Rick Chavez Zbur (@AsmRickZbur) February 25, 2025
Republican California Assemblyman David Tangipa blasted Zbur’s insane proposed legislation.
“How do you know if a robber or burglar is intending to kill?” David Tangipa said on the Ray Appleton show.
You should feel safe in your own home! I will keep calling out California crazy, like AB 1333. pic.twitter.com/3HLzbH7W36
— Assemblyman David Tangipa (@AsmTangipa) March 1, 2025
People were outraged over this bill.
Kyle Rittenhouse acted lawfully and morally in self-defense.
By the way, pro tip: a criminal defendant can only plead self-defense “after the fact.” @LawSelfDefense
— Ron Coleman (@RonColeman) February 25, 2025
Have you read your own bill? It limits victims’ right to defend themselves. That’s all it does.
AB1333 doesn’t need amendments—just scrap it. Californians don’t want to be victims as crime is spiraling out of control. You misread the room, badly.
— Laura Powell (@LauraPowellEsq) February 25, 2025
Kyle Rittenhouse responded.
I look forward to testifying against this bill. I’ll see you in California.
— Kyle Rittenhouse (@ThisIsKyleR) February 25, 2025
Assemblyman Zbur,
You can amend your anti-self-defense bill by deleting it completely.
NO ONE wants or needs YOU or state government to tell ANY person how they can behave when they or someone around them is immediately threatened by harm.
YOU are welcome to run away or… https://t.co/QwAIDN54UV
— Houman David Hemmati, MD, PhD (@houmanhemmati) February 25, 2025
We don’t need an amendment. Drop this bill, you utter lunatic.
— Kira (@RealKiraDavis) February 25, 2025
The post People Outraged After California Democrat Introduces Bill that Criminalizes Self-Defense – AB 1333 Limits Homeowner’s Right to Defend Self, Family and Home From Intruder appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.