
Monstrous Democrats Remain Seated and Refuse to Clap for Child with Brain Cancer During Trump’s Joint Address

Democrats are facing backlash on social media after most of their lawmakers refused to stand or clap for a child battling brain cancer who was honored during President Donald Trump’s joint address to Congress.

As Trump highlighted the story of a 13-year-old brain cancer survivor who was being made an honorary member of the Secret Service — many Democratic lawmakers remained seated and silent, refusing to join the applause that erupted from the Republican side of the chamber.

The child, who dreams of being a police officer, was given just five months to live — six years ago.

The incident, captured live and quickly blasted across social media, sparked outrage among many watching who called out their behavior as callous and inhumane.

People watching referred to the stone-faced politicians as “ghouls” and “gutter trash,” who are so hyper partisan that they would not even celebrate a little kid.

Throughout the speech, the Democrats consistently behaved like children — shouting, holding signs, and causing a disrespectful ruckus.

While many coordinated protests seemed to be taking place on the Democrat side of the aisle, Sen. Chris Murphy and Reps. Maxine Waters and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez boycotted the event entirely.

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