Joe Biden Called Kamala Harris with an ‘Unusual’ Admonition the Day She Debated Trump: Book
“The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.”
“The second greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he is the good guy.”
To be clear, this writer does not think Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. is the devil … but man, how can you not think of those quotes with each passing anecdote revealing the type of man the 46th president truly is?
The latest example of this came Thursday, when The Hill published an excerpt from “FIGHT: Inside the Wildest Battle for the White House” by Jonathan Allen and Amie Parnes.
(The book is slated to release April 1.)
“FIGHT” provides a behind-the-scenes glimpse of what Democrat leadership was grappling with in the lead-up to what would become a dominant electoral win by now-President Donald Trump.
One pivotal moment: Failed presidential candidate Kamala Harris’ ballyhooed debate with Trump.
“She was running out of major moments to explain a vision to a broad audience,” the book claimed. “Her September 10 debate with Trump would offer another opportunity — perhaps a last chance before voters cast early ballots — to establish that key part of her narrative.
“But the day of the debate Biden called to give Harris an unusual kind of pep talk — and another reminder about the loyalty he demanded.
“No longer able to defend his own record, he expected Harris to protect his legacy.”
“Loyalty he demanded”? “Expected Harris to protect his legacy”? I’m sorry, are these descriptions of Biden, or is the establishment media whining about Trump again?
Seriously, do those not sound like the exact criticisms often lobbed at Trump, with nary a shred of concrete evidence?
Yet, I digress.
“Whether she won or lost the election, he thought, she would only harm him by publicly distancing herself from him — especially during a debate that would be watched by millions of Americans,” the book continues. “To the extent that she wanted to forge her own path, Biden had no interest in giving her room to do so.
“He needed just three words to convey how much all of that mattered to him.”
Those three words? “No daylight, kid.”
The above should paint a pretty clear picture of a deeply insecure, vindictive, power-hungry old man — but anyone who doesn’t lap up the Biden Kool-Aid has known that about him already.
How else do you explain his family-focused pardon spree that he swore he wouldn’t do? How else do you explain the public disdain Biden had for his granddaughter? How else do you explain the constant reports about his nasty temper?
Occam’s razor suggests that the simplest answer is often the best, so by that logic, Biden is this way because that’s who he is.
This folksy charade of Biden being an “Aw, shucks”-kind of grandfather has always been just that — a charade.
Biden has — and always has — cared for little more than power and status. It’s practically his family business, for crying out loud (and business isn’t booming these days).
One of the many reasons that Trump appeals to so many Americans is that the president walks around with an air of authenticity. What you see is what you get with Trump; he’s a tough-talker with some rough edges and a heart of gold.
Biden would like you to think his heart is also made of valuable minerals, but it’s clear that, at best, he’s got a lump of coal where his aorta should lie.
Every new story about the former president makes that a little clearer.
This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.
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