Round 2: Batya Ungar-Sargon Delivers a Devastatingly Clear Defense of Trump’s Tariffs, Forcing Bill Maher Into Submission

Batya Ungar-Sargon delivered a masterclass in economic reality on Real Time with Bill Maher, exposing the fake news economists who spent years falsely claiming that President Trump’s tariffs would doom the U.S. economy.
Ungar-Sargon systematically dismantled the leftist talking points that have been endlessly repeated by the establishment media, proving once and for all that Trump’s America First economic policies were not only justified but essential in protecting American workers.
Even Bill Maher had to concede that the argument for tariffs wasn’t as crazy as the elite class wants people to believe.
Ungar-Sargon broke down how the decline of manufacturing in America directly correlates with the decline of the middle class.
The globalist agenda, pushed by both Democrats and establishment Republicans, has deliberately gutted American industry and shipped jobs overseas under the guise of “free trade”—which really just means cheap labor for massive corporations while American workers are left struggling.
Batya: I want to answer the question about manufacturing in the ’70s. The reason people want to go back to the ’70s is that, in the ’70s, the largest share of our GDP was in the middle class.
Batya: That was not separate from the fact that 25% of our economy was in manufacturing.
Bill Maher: The largest share of our GDP—
Batya: —was in the middle class, the biggest chunk.
Bill Maher: Meaning?
Batya: The middle class—people who were middle income.
Bill Maher: Most of what was produced came from the middle. Now it comes from what? The rich?
Batya: Now, the top 20% controls over 50% of the GDP. Our economy has become an upward funnel of wealth. The largest share, which used to be in manufacturing—providing a middle-class standard of living to many working-class people—has now shifted to real estate and finance. This means asset-rich Americans are controlling over 50% of the GDP, leaving the working class out of the prosperity that was once generated. Manufacturing is still happening, but it’s being done in other countries.
Batya: It is still making—
Bill Maher: —For wages we will not work for.
Batya: That’s exactly right. You’re right, Bill. That’s what the tariffs are for—to make American workers more competitive in the global market. Why are we accepting a race to the bottom? Do you know what China’s competitive advantage over us is? It’s that they pay slave wages. Why should we accept that? They’re still manufacturing our PPE, our pharmaceuticals, our cars. They’re making all that stuff.
Trump says there are five industries essential to national security: pharmaceuticals, lumber, steel, and aluminum—I forgot what the fifth one was. But it’s crucial that we have a stake in the manufacturing of the things we need as a nation. Otherwise, when China decides it wants to go to war with us, we’ll be relying on them for steel and aluminum to fight them.
Bill Maher: Okay, well, at least that’s an answer.
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