
Mitch McConnell Sparks More Alarm About His Health After Failing to Hear a Question During Press Conference (VIDEO)


An incident earlier this week has raised even more concerns regarding Senator Mitch McConnell (RINO-KY) and his health.

As WDRD reported, McConnell sat down with business leaders and answered multiple questions from the media during a visit to Elizabethtown on Tuesday. The topics covered during the event included tariffs, foreign policy, and his legacy.

Things then took an alarming turn when a reporter asked him about President Trump’s tariffs. During this sequence, one would think McConnell had suddenly gone deaf.

“Have you had any conversations with the president about the impact (tariffs) here in Kentucky or talked to him about it being a bad policy at all?” she queried.

But McConnell could not hear what she said.

“My hearing isn’t what it used to be,” he responded.

An aide then turned to McConnell, saying multiple times the reporter’s question was about tariffs. He did not get the message until she almost shouted at him at close range.

“Oh, yeah,” the senator replied. “I’m not a fan of tariffs.”


X users were understandably alarmed by what they saw, with many saying he needed to retire immediately.

As TGP readers know, McConnell has experienced multiple health issues in recent years. Twice in the last few months, he has experienced nasty falls.

Even more alarmingly, McConnell in 2023 twice experienced health episodes where he froze up during press conferences. He also had a significant fall at an airport that same year.

One policy change that would largely prevent such future public episodes would be term limits. Unfortunately, members of Congress will never willingly give up their power, no matter how dire things get.

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