
MI Election Integrity Committee Chair Rep. Rachel Smit Asks Detroit Residents Ramon Jackson and Pastor Sewell To Share Stunning Scheme They Uncovered Used To STEAL Elections in Detroit [VIDEO]

Earlier Wednesday, we released the first in a four-part series featuring Detroit resident Ramon Jackson and Pastor Lorenzo Sewell of the 180 Church in Detroit. The popular Detroit Pastor Lorenzo Sewell brought the crowd to its feet during his fiery “Holy Ghost” invocation at President Trump’s inauguration in January.


Pastor Sewell spoke briefly before Ramon Jackson provided the receipts showing what appears to be a coordinated effort to re-register individuals who move from their residences in Detroit to another city or state without their knowledge or permission and then vote for them. Some of the individuals Mr. Jackson references in his testimony never registered to vote or voted in any elections prior to the time their names were fraudulently used to create fake voters in the city of Detroit.

After she introduced Mr.Ramon Jackson and Pastor Lorenzo Sewell to the election integrity committee, Pastor Sewell enthusiastically greeted the election integrity chair, “We are Holy Ghost happy and humble Representative Smit!”

“We’re here because there is a disease in our democracy!” Pastor Sewell explained. “Detroit is the largest voting bloc in the state of Michigan, and it has been poisoned!” he said. “And today we have the proof it’s the people who are the proof! Just like Detroit moved the world through music with Motown, Detroit has moved the world through the automotive industry, so it is. Detroit is about to move the world with fair elections! Because if we don’t have fair elections, we do not have a democracy!” he warned.

Pastor Sewell warned, “If we don’t have fair elections, we’re like China,” he warned. “We have literally become what we hate if we don’t have fair elections!” And then, Pastor Lorenzo Sewell explained that the evidence he and Mr. Jackson are about to present from Detroit will be used to crack voter fraud schemes in “majority black communities across Michigan and the United States. “So today I represent a group of people that have been disenfranchised that have been marginalized and that have been pushed aside. I represent not only the 16 black-majority cities in Michigan, but we also represent over 1000 black cities in America. 57 congressional districts that represent the highest crime, highest poverty, highest foreclosure, and human trafficking. Why is this? Because People misrepresent us because they were never voted in by us! That’s why we’re here today,” he said.

“We have IRONCLAD— Bear Trap—Hand-in-the-Cookie-Jar proof! We have a proprietary system to detect and determine cheating in every election!” Pastor Sewell told the bipartisan committee before handing the microphone to “The Advocate” Ramon Jackson.

Watch Pastor Sewell’s powerful testimony:

During his testimony, Jackson, told the committee the Secretary of State’s office along with Detroit City Clerk Janice Winfrey’s office are “preying” on individuals in Detroit who “fit a pattern” of having never voted or rarely voted, and either frequently move within the city of Detroit or have moved out of state and received an out-of-state license.

Jackson didn’t just offer an accusation of corrupted voter rolls in the crooked city of Detroit; he brought the receipts.

As Mr. Jackson spoke to the election integrity committee, he held up concrete examples of names and addresses of multiple individuals who signed affidavits to support his claims that their names had fraudulently been used to register voters and even vote in elections from jurisdictions in Detroit where they no longer reside.

Michigan House Election Integrity Committee Chair Rep. Rachel Smit, a former Michigan township clerk, and fierce advocate of free and fair elections, asked Ramon Jackson to confirm that he has evidence that the names of people who haved moved out of the city of Detroit are being registered to vote after the leave and subsequently are having votes cast using their identities.

Chair Smit asked Ramon Jackson to clarify his claim: “So, all of these people that have cast ballots in their name—the ones that you have spoken to — you can confirm they have not voted?” Mr. Jackson confirmed, “They have not voted.” Rep. Smit responded, “So this is a real problem that not only are they on the voter rolls as registered, but they are fraudulent—their vote is being fraudulently cast.” Ramon Jackson enthusiastically responded, “Absolutely! Adding, “And we’re fraudulently being registered too! We ain’t even registering the vote!”

Mr. Jackson explained, “See, a lot of times, it’s two issues going on. A lot of times, they say we got a problem with not clearing the voter rolls, and I had to deal with this in court. The [MI] Attorney General and the City of Detroit tried to disingenuously argue the cases as if I’ve had a problem with how they’re clearing the voter rolls. I had to state to the court, ‘I have no problem with the process of removing legitimate voters off the rolls. Our problem is totally contrasted. They are PUTTING US ON the rolls after we move!”


Jackson told the election intergrity committee that his problem is with the City of Detroit and Secretary of State using people identified as ‘targets’ “in their nefarious plot,” to steal elections by using the names of low propensity or non-voters to bloat the voter rolls to create fake voters, telling the lawmakers, “That’s fraud and that’s a crime!”

The post MI Election Integrity Committee Chair Rep. Rachel Smit Asks Detroit Residents Ramon Jackson and Pastor Sewell To Share Stunning Scheme They Uncovered Used To STEAL Elections in Detroit [VIDEO] appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.