
UPDATE: J6er Jeremy Brown Was NOT Released Yesterday, Despite “Immediate Release” – DOJ Demands Release Under “Presidential Proclamation”

Master Sergeant Jeremy Brown was asked to provide security for a PERMITTED speaker’s mother during the January 6th protest at the US Capitol. MSG Brown was not accused of any violence, nor did he enter the US Capitol on that day.

Rug Pull.

Yesterday, The Gateway Pundit reported on J6er Jeremy Brown allegedly being designated for “immediate release” as a result of “some unknown order.”

But, as the retired Green Beret Master Sergeant said in a statement, “I’ll believe it when I am outside the doors and on my way to Outback!”

Week 5: Imprisoned J6er and Retired Green Beret Jeremy Brown Reportedly Being Released Today!

In a statement yesterday, MSG Brown said that it had been “3 days” since he was an “Immediate Release TODAY!” acknowledging that that was his “3rd false release.”

It has been 36 days now since President Trump issued a blanket pardon for all but 14 Jan 6 defendants.  Those 14 were instead issued commutations.

Last night, after MSG Brown apparently gave up hope of being released that day, he published a statement via the prison’s messaging service at 7:58 pm showing the incredible bearing and resilience expected of our nation’s top Special Forces veterans:

“So, guess the joke is on me.  During lockdown, one of the COs (correctional officers) that stood outside my door Friday night and mocked and told me, “You ain’t getting out ’til Monday!” came by to deliver 2 pieces of mail tonight.  He couldn’t resist taking a jab at me by saying, “Hey, what happened?”  I responded with my standard quip, “You tell me, you have the keys!”  He snapped back, “Well, you’re the one that was just talk’in shit about get’in out!”  I said, “I was just telling you what R&D Staff told me.”

It pissed me off, but I held my smartass tongue, but WHEN he is the CO that has to open my door later tonight, I already know what I’ll say.  “Guess God wanted YOU to be the Guard that had to open my door and let me out.”  Until then, I’m STILL in prison.  Hopefully he won’t have the last laugh!  De Oppresso Liber! –Jeremy”

Based on a filing published by Condemned USA’s Treniss Evans, the US Department of Justice has stated that the “Presidential Proclamation” that President Trump issued was intended to cover the convictions against MSG Brown.

The filing from Sara C. Sweeney, Acting United States Attorney, is dated today, 2/25/2025, but acknowledges that the pardon was issued by the Office of the Pardon Attorney on February 5th, 2025, and references President Trump’s “Presidential Proclamation” from January 20th, 2025.

Master Sergeant Brown has been incarcerated for, at most, 36 days, and least 20 days while having a clear and concise Presidential pardon issued on his behalf.


When the dust settles and these J6 defendants, victims of a weaponized DOJ, are settled back into their lives, forever altered by malicious prosecutions and egregious violations of everything from due process to violations of the Brady rule, will there be an investigation into the wrongdoing of FBI officials, DOJ prosecutors and staff, US District Court judges in Washington DC, and Bureau of Prisons Correctional Officers who maliciously abused these political prisoners?

The post UPDATE: J6er Jeremy Brown Was NOT Released Yesterday, Despite “Immediate Release” – DOJ Demands Release Under “Presidential Proclamation” appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.