WAYNE ROOT: James Carville is Delusional and Insane with Trump Derangement Syndrome. The Only Party About to Collapse in 30 Days is the Democrat Party. Trump Has Destroyed Democrats Forever!
By Wayne Allyn Root
Democrat strategist James Carville recently predicted the Trump administration will collapse in the next 30 days. That’s funny.
The bubble these delusional Democrat morons live in is obviously very small. Everyone they know must live in the DC Swamp. Everyone they know must be looting the taxpayers by stealing government money. Everyone they know must be taking bribes from the Chinese Communist Party and the Mexican Drug Cartels.
James Carville probably only has a handful of friends- Stacey Abrams, Jane Fonda, George Soros, Adam Schiff, Liz Cheney and Alejandro Mayorkas. That must be the group he’s getting his ideas from.
Because Carville’s prediction is ludicrous, absurd, clueless, delusional and bordering on insane.
Carville clearly suffers from TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome). He desperately needs a straight-jacket, rubber room and hug from mommy.
Because here is what is really happening…
President Trump is destroying the Democrat Party and Democrat brand forever. Democrats are now the most hated brand in politics. It’s cooler to be a Jehovah’s Witness than a Democrat nowadays. Leprosy is cooler than being a Democrat.
It’s not just that Democrats are mocked and hated nowadays. By the way, it’s important to understand Democrats just lost in a massive landslide only four months ago. Duh.
And yes, it was a massive landslide.
Democrats are in denial. Trump won an electoral landslide, the popular vote, gained votes in all 50 states, won almost every county in America- the whole map of America is bright Trump red! But he also won the Senate, House, majority of Governorships, majority of state legislatures and of course, conservatives control the Supreme Court as well.
That’s what you call DOMINATION.
This situation is what a Democrat activist reported only days ago- he admitted Democrats now control only 20 big cities, Aspen and Martha’s Vineyard.
One other point- those 20 big cities under Democrat control are all third world sh**tholes filled with violent crime, homeless tents, drug needles, poop and pee on the ground.
But look at the bright side- transgenders and Drag Shows are plentiful!
It’s clear Democrats are finished. The main reason Democrats are going the way of the dinosaur is President Trump and his sidekick Elon Musk are killing their income streams.
Tip O’Neill said it best: “Money is the mother’s milk of politics.” Without money a political party or candidate is finished. Well, Democrats have just lost all their best sources of income because of Trump, Elon and DOGE.
What was their best source of income- theft, looting and corruption. Without those, Democrats are up sh**t’s creek without a paddle.
Take Kamala Harris as Exhibit A.
Kamala was the worst candidate in history- corrupt, lazy, incompetent and dumb as a doorknob. She was a walking neon sign for DEI- every job and title in politics she ever got was either from being a female minority, or having sex with a man in power.
Kamala isn’t qualified in the real world to manage a Dairy Queen.
Yet she raised $1.3 billion (with a B). How’d she do that? Obviously, the fix was in. The whole system is rigged.
She got money from government; and I’m sure USAID (the CIA slush fund); and from all the corrupt communist scumbags who were promised billions in looted taxpayer money after she won (like George Soros and Stacey Abrams); and from the government employee unions, and the teachers union, and the Postal Service employees union; and most importantly, all our worst foreign enemies- China and the CCP, Iran, and the Mexican Drug Cartels. They stood to benefit the most after she won and intentionally destroyed America.
Trump is cutting all those sources of income off for Democrats.
*No more looting of taxpayer money.
*No more trillions of dollars “missing” and unaccounted for.
*No more billions given to green energy scammers, who loot and steal most of the money, and give a large kickback to Democrats.
*No more CIA slush funds.
*No more 85,000 new IRS agents to extort money from Republican voters.
*No more handouts of billions to corrupt Democrats like Stacey Abrams and George Soros- who then used the money to rig the system and steal elections.
*No more billion-dollar handouts to the left-wing media and social media, so they censor and silence conservatives and pump out nonstop propaganda.
No more open borders- therefore no more kickbacks (campaign contributions) from the Mexican Drug Cartels.
No more U.S. government owned by China- thereby cutting off billions in dirty corrupt money from China and the CCP.
No more giving away billions to Iran, the biggest funder of terrorism in the world- therefore no more kickbacks from Iran, Hamas, or other terrorist organizations.
No more blank checks for Ukraine- a Democrat dirty money laundering operation from the start. I’m guessing most or all of the $300 billion was stolen by Zelensky and his cronies. But the biggest cut of all went to Democrats and RINOS in the Senate and House who voted for all this “foreign and military aid”- thereby providing them with millions of dollars in kickbacks to win re-election over MAGA opponents.
One more scam President Trump will soon end- the Census. The corrupt, rigged Census counts illegal aliens- thereby guaranteeing federal money, electoral votes and House seats to Democrats that they don’t deserve. In other words, Congress has been stolen.
If President Trump can officially and permanently end all, or even most of this corruption, Democrats will never win again. They will be out of power for decades.
Because it’s all about the Benjamins.
Delusional James Carville got the story mixed up. One party is about to collapse. Money is the key.
Without all this corrupt money, Democrats are finished. Forever.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Watch Wayne’s new TV Show, “The ROOT Reaction” weeknights at 10 PM ET/7 PM Pacific on Real America’s Voice TV, and Wayne’s weekend “America’s Top Ten Countdown” on Saturdays at Noon ET/9 AM PT on Real America’s Voice TV. Watch at RealAmericasVoice.com, or at Rumble, Roku, Pluto, Apple, Dish TV Ch 219, or go to RootforAmerica.com to watch. Read Wayne’s latest fun book, “How Democrats Have Made America Great.” It’s 140 blank pages! The joke is on Democrats!
The post WAYNE ROOT: James Carville is Delusional and Insane with Trump Derangement Syndrome. The Only Party About to Collapse in 30 Days is the Democrat Party. Trump Has Destroyed Democrats Forever! appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.