
J6 Political Prisoner and Navy Intel Vet Shreds Leftist ‘Resistance’ Fantasy: ‘You Have No Idea What Real Persecution Is’

Guest post by Matt da Silva

Matthew da Silva

This is a message to the Leftists endlessly complaining about the disruption of the status quo.

It’s been four weeks since I’ve returned, and I’m still in picking-up-the-pieces mode when it comes to reclaiming a semblance of my former life.

The other day, I reactivated my X account and tried posting a few messages which promptly disappeared down the internet black hole. I nuked that account before my trial in July 2023.

I don’t have a single follower now, which makes the whole point of posting rather ridiculous. As a J6er about to be tried in DC’s notorious federal district back in 2023, I didn’t want to tempt fate.

You see, the DC prosecutors aren’t what you might call reasonable folk. There are a million examples of this unreasonableness in action. Like when the DoJ went ballistic over J6 defendants who owned pocket constitutions or Lego toy sets.

When dealing with irrational people, you can’t use normal standards to avoid offending them. DC is beyond the looking glass.

A city of Red Queens who wanted nothing more than to boost the number of neckless heads so long as the bloodletting involved Trump supporters.

So in order to insulate myself from the crazy prosecutors and judges, I got rid of my X account, removing every quip, every remark. I left nothing behind. Anything less would’ve been too risky.

Fast forward to today. I see the terminally online Leftists restlessly Instagramming and TikToking about how they’re now part of some heroic yet also somehow secret “resistance” movement. I have to roll my eyes. Whatever.

What can I say? Stop larping. There. That’s a start.

What else can I say to these nutbags? How about this:

You are not engaging in a resistance. You have no idea what you’re talking about. Take it from me, an actual political dissident incarcerated for my views by a tyrannical regime.

What you’re going through ain’t that. You aren’t being hunted like we were. You aren’t being lied about by a global media complex like we were. You aren’t being rounded up while agents hold long rifles to the backs of your loved ones.

No one is planting listening devices in your attic or monitoring you every click on the internet. You don’t get up every morning wondering, “Is the day? Will they descend on my home and family with weapons drawn today?”

Nope. You face none of that. So stop Walter Mittying like that’s what you’re going through.

For one, if you actually were afraid of Earth’s most powerful government coming down on you like the fist of God, you wouldn’t be broadcasting your plans to the whole dang world. You wouldn’t be talking about how you’re training with guns.

You wouldn’t be trying to teach others how interfere with ICE. You wouldn’t be talking about all the cis normie conservatives you anticipate killing.

That would be stupid. If the threat you pretend to face was real. But it’s not. And you know it.

If the threat were real, you’d be trying your best to discretely get your affairs in order because you face having to spend the next few years of your life in prison. Real radical dissident fugitives don’t seek social media clout.

And that you’re not actually being sought by Democrat Stasi fedbois should come as a great comfort to you. For most of the past four years, I would’ve given anything to be in your shoes.

This lifestyle which you so foolishly pretend to bravely embrace is, to say the least, extremely psychologically stressful. That you play at it just goes to show you have no idea what it’s like to be wanted by the FBI or to be awaiting trial at one of DC’s kangaroo courts, or to be awaiting sentencing while imprisoned in DC.

Trust me, you don’t want that.

And you should at the very least be grateful that President Trump isn’t adopting the same policies and attitudes that Mad Uncle Joe employed during his four year reign of terror.

I feel I must also address the huge overlap between these faux-dissidents and those protesting in DC these days. I know you have nothing better to do because you got riffed for being worthless or superfluous, but you might want to reconsider protesting in DC. For one, the precedent set by the Jan 6 cases mean you can go to jail for half a decade if you so much as squint at a cop in riot gear.

Also, you have nothing to protest about.

What? You lost your job? Join the J6 club! Considering that everyone in DC participated in the shameful treatment of J6ers, it’s barely a start when it comes to justice.

If you live or work in DC, you either worked for an institution that dedicated nearly 20 percent of its manpower to torturing us, or you were in the notorious DC jury pool. The same jury pool that, with only one exception, found every J6er guilty of ridiculously overblown charges.

Keep in mind, it only takes ONE JUROR to keep a man out of jail. That means not a single one of you ever stopped to think about what it was that the prosecution was actually asking for. And that’s accounting for an endless stream of trials over the course of nearly four solid years.

That’s the same kind of mindless sociopathy you expect from government functionaries operating year after year in institutions bilking taxpayers millions to billions of dollars.

We Americans can’t help but notice that not a single one of you was actually forthcoming about what was happening before your eyes on your watch. Not a single one.

You see the pattern, sweet cheese?

Here’s some overdue tough love: your joblessness is entirely your fault. You could’ve done the responsible thing and gone whistleblower. You could’ve faced up to corrupt bosses and say you think our citizens deserve better. Just like you could’ve challenged your jury foreman or the rabid prosecutors and judges who wanted to hang every J6er.

You did none of these things. Had you offered even the smallest bit of resistance towards the real tyrants — those who threatened your life and your livelihood if you didn’t conform — then you wouldn’t be reaping the fruits of your unscrupulous and cowardly choices. Your current troubles are entirely the result of your moral failings.

So put away the berets and stop trying to dress up your situation by acting like you’re saving anything but your own income. You aren’t a dissident. You aren’t part of a popular resistance.

Trolling for street cred from a people who are disgusted by your weakness won’t get you pity. It does quite the opposite in fact. Far from being the heroes in this drama, you have to owe up to the fact that, at best, you played the role of America’s “Good Germans” — the kind of people who stood silently by in Hitler’s Germany while he carted Jews off to the concentration camps.

And that’s the best case interpretation.

Now is the time to embrace some honest soul searching about why you disgust we Americans. You’re on your ass now and that’s admittedly not a good place to be.

That’s the price you pay for going along to get along with corrupt tyrants. Like I said, that’s fair so long as my incredibly generous interpretation of your motives and deeds as mere good Germans holds true.

As details of your corruption continue to to come out, however, your inability to take action in the interest of your fellow American only becomes more suspicious. So take a seat, sweet cheese, and shut your mouth.

Until we sort things out, just show a little gratitude. Because the day may soon come when your joblessness will be the least of your worries.

Matt da Silva once worked at the highest levels of government trust as a Japanese and Mandarin Navy linguist. In addition to working at the tip of the intel spear, he also has the distinction of having served 18 months in federal prison for his involvement in Jan 6. Now he’s pardoned and using his intel analysis and writing skills in defense of the 21st century civil rights movement known as America First. You can find more of his writings at his substack (which is free). You may also want to give him a follow on X and TruthSocial.

The post J6 Political Prisoner and Navy Intel Vet Shreds Leftist ‘Resistance’ Fantasy: ‘You Have No Idea What Real Persecution Is’ appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.