
DC’s Best MAGA Troll, J6er Brandon Fellows, Finally Able to Leave DC and Needs Help to “Build Back Brandon”

Some January 6th Defendants have stories that leave an impression far beyond anyone else. Brandon Fellows is one of those J6ers. He has turned his January 6th experience into one that has been interactive with the American people.

He was able to sneak video footage of the DC jail to The Gateway Pundit’s very own Cara Castronouva where she was able to expose the inhumane conditions and treatment.

Once released from the “DC Gulag,” he was forced by the Department of Justice, and probation, to live in DC, where he was unable to start his life over. Fellows made the best of it by trolling the ridiculous leftists and by not apologizing for being MAGA or a January 6er. You may be familiar with some videos of him that have gone viral on social media.

Most recently, he was asked by a leftist reporter about the (legal) ICE Commission jacket he wore to CPAC, and it just about broke the internet along with every left-wing media outlet.

Brandon takes us on a journey, of what the last four years have been like for him, in his letter to TGP readers.

***Help Brandon Build His Life Back Here***

From January 6 to Exoneration: My Journey Through Persecution, Loss, Limbo, and New Beginnings 

Before January 6, 2021, I lived a life of freedom and purpose. I have made countless great memories from being the captain of my high school and college wrestling teams (where I studied business and physical education) to achieving leadership roles at major companies at a young age.

By 23, I became a co-owner of a tree company, and two years later, I founded my own chimney company—all while serving as the Lead Operations Manager for another chimney business. I did this with no debt, living out my dream lifestyle: full-time RVing and tiny housing—the epitome of freedom and happiness.

Brandon Fellows, before January 6, 2021, changed his life forever. (courtesy of Fellows)

Attending my first rally on January 6, 2021, to see what I believe to be the best president since Abraham Lincoln was exhilarating. The atmosphere was electric, and I was the first civilian allowed into the ellipse thanks to staffers and Secret Service members, which is crazy to consider when you know how many people were in line!

View Brandon’s experience at President Trump’s rally here

At the Capitol (2 miles away), I encountered friendly officers who repeatedly assured me and others that we were allowed inside our own house. One video the FBI didn’t get to delete from my phone is of an officer giving us directions further into the building.

The interactions I had observed and personally experienced with the police had me convinced I was allowed inside and wasn’t breaking any laws. I voluntarily left despite the fact that out of the hundreds of officers I had encountered, none told me to leave (which they are legally required to do for a conviction to be held in DC).

So, despite wearing a beard hat that covered my face (to keep warm from the previous night waiting at the Ellipse), I openly shared my name and hometown live on CNN (and posted my photos and videos online), believing I had done nothing wrong.


View video of Brandon interacting with Capital Police inside the Capital Here

Little did I know the FBI would not be as friendly to me as the Capitol Police were. Due to this set-up and failure by the Capitol Police to give me a dispersal warning, that very beautiful day (best day of my life) would cost me nearly four years of my life, and set me back financially by over 15 years.

It has led to countless fake news articles due to this, for refusing to back down, and constantly trolling while in jail, kangaroo court, and when released to the DC area. 

1,075 Days in 12 Different Jails and Prisons 

After January 6, I was swept into a legal battle that defined the next four years of my life. I was transferred between 12 different jails and prisons, enduring inhumane conditions.

I was locked in my cell for up to 14 days at a time without even being allowed to shower, spent a total of 6 months in solitary confinement, and was exposed to black mold, food with worms, and inadequate medical care. No family, friend, or media visitations for 2 years, and no haircuts or shaves for about 1.5 years. 

For seven months, I was denied access to my prescription glasses, leaving me legally blind. My religious liberties were stripped away—not once was I allowed to attend church, despite non-J6 inmates being granted that right.

You should see how unhealthy I became in these videos. They went viral when I released them, and I was attacked by guards for releasing them.

The worst moment came on October 27, 2021—the day I lost my grandmother, who understood me like no one else. I never got to say goodbye. Instead, I sat alone in a concrete box, mourning in silence, while actual violent criminals walked free. 

Despite multiple time-served plea deals (meaning I could sign them and go home) that demanded I admit to storming the Capitol on Trump’s orders, I refused. As punishment, I was kept in jail for 1,075 days—just two weeks shy of three years.

I was released on May 20, 2024.

***Help Brandon Build His Life Back Here*** 

The Only January 6th Defendant Forced to Live in D.C. 

While other defendants were allowed to return home, I was the only January 6th defendant permanently forced to live within a 50-mile radius of Washington, D.C. It wasn’t a coincidence—it was a tactic to keep me under surveillance and in danger (DC hates us/ me). 

Despite this, I refused to hide. Less than two weeks after my release, I attended a Dr. Fauci Congressional hearing to hear even more about how Fauci had fooled and killed millions across the globe.

My presence went viral, upsetting the left and earning me the nickname “Legend” from the right. I still get recognized and praised in public to this day over this. Locals attempted to guess where I lived, and many called for my death or imprisonment.

My vaccinated/ democrat mother and her nursing home had death threats sent to them causing a month’s long investigation. It came from a “tolerant” leftist.

View Inside Edition’s coverage of Brandon behind Fauci here

On July 4th, 2024, I was the victim of a hate crime, but fortunately, the perpetrators were the victim of my defensive wrestling moves. I had anti-trump things shouted at me, glass thrown at me, and was attacked by a female and her boyfriend.

In self-defense, I took care of the girlfriend as nicely as I could, and then, while having punches thrown at me (which fortunately left no marks), I slammed the troublemaker to the ground and held him there. I did not beat him despite maintaining control, I simply waited until he agreed he would behave himself if I let him up.

What did the local DC communists do for me being so graceful to this man and woman? They helped the couple run away, and then attempted to get police to charge me. The DC police reluctantly shared that I was the victim, even though I had won (much to their dismay).

In the following months, I still did not shy away from interviews, helping out at the DC jail vigil, repping Donald Trump hats, attending protests, or hiding due to death threats.

I continued speaking out, telling my/ our story, and exposing the injustices I and others faced/ were facing. Because of this, I, my motorcycle, and the house I lived in became well-known—and were doxed continuously.

Though, my motorcycle was pretty easy to spot, and I can hilariously understand why the locals hated seeing it around. I was yelled at all the time on it! Thankfully, no one was crazy enough to run me off the road. 

On January 19, 2024, the harassment turned criminal again. CNN aired a piece on where I lived. Hours later, my motorcycle was stolen, and another resident of our house had his car egged, as was our house. 

Fellows would ride his bike around DC making DC residents angry. (courtesy of Fellows)
The image on the back of Fellow’s Motorcycle would trigger most DC residents Trump Derangement Syndrome (Photo courtesy of Fellows)

Supreme Court Victory—But Still Not Free 

On June 28, 2024, the Supreme Court ruled that 18 U.S.C. § 1512(c)(2)—the only felony I was charged with (obstructing a proceeding)—was wrongfully (politically) applied.

Despite this, my district court judge refused to drop my probation, exploiting D.C.’s slow legal process to keep me under control, despite knowing when it was dropped, I not only wouldn’t be on probation, but I would have served around 34 months wrongfully in prison.

So, I was forced to remain in DC until Trump came in and sped it up by pardoning me. Even still, it wasn’t until February 4, 2025, that my case was finally updated and my charges dismissed, fully restoring my freedom. 

Interesting to note: Within an hour of this decision being announced, as I was at the Supreme Court celebrating and laughing at the leftist media for being so angry, the DC probation and DOJ attorneys attempted to sour my mood (I didn’t let them).

They attempted to get me revoked and placed back in prison over my making faces behind Dr. Fauci from over a month prior to this.

Think of it, they attempted to put me back in jail, for making faces over a month ago… Why did they wait over a month to do this? Why did they file this knowing once my case was updated, I would be free?

Their hatred blinds them. They are not fit to be attorneys nor to have any position of power. Despicable human beings.

Thank you, President Trump, for firing them.

Fellows with Article 3 Project’s Mike Davis after SCOTUS dismissed 1512 charge for J6 defendants. (Photo courtesy of Fellows)

A Fresh Start—But I Need Your Help 

Now that my felony charge has been overturned, I’m finally free to rebuild my life. I’ve moved North to New Jersey to begin work with someone else, and to restart my chimney business. However, the financial toll of these past years has left me without the resources I need to begin in time. 

Missing another chimney season would mean delaying my recovery even further. Right now, the only reason I’m beginning to work for someone else instead of running my own business is because I don’t have enough money to restart my company.

With the right support, I can get back to being my own boss and rebuilding what was taken from me.

I would love for you to either donate or reach out to me to help me get a loan so I can restart in time for the beginning of the 2025 season in my industry.

If you’re in the NJ, PA, or NY region (near Northern Jersey) and you’d like to help by simply sending me customers/ telling your friends about me once I’m up and running, or in some other way that would be great too! 

With the right support, I can get back to being my own boss and rebuilding what was taken from me. ALL donations will go toward reestablishing my business and becoming a full time-tiny-houser again (which doubles as a very efficient work vehicle/ mobile office). 

If you’re able to contribute, please go to: https://www.givesendgo.com/BuildBackBrandon (see what I did there? Remember Bidens “Build Back Better”?) 

If you can’t donate or help me in the future with my business, please share my story and pray for me. 

Thank you for your help! 

Brandon Fellows 

***Donate to Brandon Here***

The post DC’s Best MAGA Troll, J6er Brandon Fellows, Finally Able to Leave DC and Needs Help to “Build Back Brandon” appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.